Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing 15 - Wikis

This was fun and very informative. I spent the past 4 days going through all the examples of wikis listed in #1 of the Discovery Exercise for this Thing. I found so many good ones and will spend more time examining these later. I especially liked the 10 reasons why your next pathfinder should be a wiki and you must see the Sample Ap World History Wiki created for a Holocaust assignment. This is for the Overview page of this History project. I know you will be very impressed.
I created a wiki using Wikispaces for the 2008 -09 Texas Lone Star Reading list. I would like for students to discuss, evaluate and express their opinion(s) about the books as they read them. There is nothing like a student recommending a book to a friend. It was fairly easy to create. It took me a while to save the images of the book covers.
I just found the article about Wikispaces connecting Teachers, Students and Parents. Isn't this what this whole Web 2.0 class is about?!
P.S. I am not very good at labels or tags yet. I know that I should include these as I post, but I am struggling with what tags to use. I'll appreciate any helpful hints or suggestions.

1 comment:

mmw said...

I love your wiki! Great job on that. As for tagging, tags can be whatever you want - whatever you think you might use to find something again. It's a little different from library subject headings because there is no controlled vocabulary - anything goes!